Global government
In this essay Jo Leinen and Andreas Bummel argue that a democratic global government is needed in face of the climate crisis and other global challenges
Proposal of 1919
100 years ago, on 23 April 1919, Germany proposed a world parliament. Read Andreas’ comment.
Launch of DWB in Kenya
Andreas participated in the launch of Democracy Without Borders in Kenya on 4th March 2019. Here’s a report.
KTN News Kenya
A statement by Andreas on the need of a global parliament was featured by Kenya’s news channel KTN News
Study on the IPU
Read Andreas’ policy review on a UN Parliamentary Assembly and the Inter-Parliamentary Union here.
Presentation in Stockholm
Here’s a report and a Youtube video of Andreas’ book presentation in Stockholm on 27 October 2018
Democracy promotion
Here some reflections following the 22nd Forum 2000 conference on democracy in Prague.
A note on nuclear disarmament
Here’s a contribution to a Roundtable on Nuclear Abolition organized by the Great Transition Initiative.
Citizen participation at the UN
In this guest article for CIVICUS’ Reimagining Democracy series, Andreas makes the case for a UN World Citizens’ Initiative.
IPS on European Parliament
Read Andreas’ comment on the European Parliament’s support of a UN Parliamentary Assembly in this IPS report of 12 July 2018.